Crime Stoppers - Programs


Gang violence and related criminal activities such as abduction, murder, drugs, weapons, money laundering and illegal guns continue plague British Columbia.

There are circumstances where people don’t want to get involved with the police directly out of concern that they may have to go to court or, if they reveal their identity, they may expose themselves or their families to acts of retaliation.   Crime Stoppers provides a bridge that ensures anonymity while passing the information forward. Crime Stoppers provide an effective opportunity for anyone to help law enforcement solve crime and reduce gang violence.     

Since the inception of this program, just over a year and a half ago, more than 108 arrests relating to gang or illegal guns have occurred because of Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers tips.


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Over 90% of all reported abuse of seniors is committed by someone in their own family.

The “See Something, Say Something” Elder Abuse Awareness program works with multiple partnerships including the City of Surrey, Seniors First BC, BC Association of Community Response Networks and the Police. This program is designed to provide seniors with a safe and anonymous method to report what they know about suspected criminal or abusive behaviour towards another elder or themselves. The program covers important topics and goes into great depth covering issues such as:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional or psychological abuse
  • Financial abuse
  • Fraud

Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers wants seniors to know that they are not alone and have resources available to them. Crime Stoppers provides an outlet to report anything that they deem to be criminal or suspicious.

With Metro Vancouver being home to many new immigrant families, Crime Stoppers does not want language barriers to prevent seniors from reporting a crime. The program offers services in over 115 different languages and operates 24 hours 7 days a week.


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Indigenous Crime Stoppers Program,” Building a Healthy and Safe Community" and is intended to strengthen inter-agency collaboration and information-sharing to address existing crime issues and health and safety issues within Indigenous Communities.  It increases the capacity to build healthy and safe communities and to reduce any unreported existing crime problems within Indigenous communities.

Often community members have information that would be of assistance to building healthier and safer communities but are reluctant to come forward for fear of revealing their identity; Crime Stoppers provides them with the opportunity to leave this information anonymously.


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Immigrants to Canada are often unaware of the laws of Canada, of what’s acceptable and what’s not. People from other countries often bring an abiding distrust for the police or authorities.

This program provides our new immigrants with the knowledge that it is safe to report to the police but if they would like to remain anonymous from the beginning of an investigation through to the accused going through our court system, their identity will never be revealed.

Translation services is offered in 114 languages to ensure that everyone can report wrong doing or mistreatment.

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See Something, Say Something School Program

Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers’ School Program, “See Something, Say Something” is an initiative that provides
students with education on safer communities and anonymous reporting around criminal activity.

It is a joint initiative between MVCS, the Vancouver School Board, Surrey School Board, Burnaby, Delta, School District 43 (Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody), Chilliwack Independent Schools and the Police. Going forward MVCS want to also present to the students in Abbotsford, Langley, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, North Vancouver and West Vancouver for both Grade 8 and Grade 10.

Since it began in 2014, the presentation for grade eights has reached more than 46,000 students. In January 2019, “See Something, Say Something” expanded to the grade ten curriculum. 



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A new Crime stoppers campaign is being launched to encourage people to anonymously report illegal activity affecting wildlife and our natural land and marine environment in British Columbia.

Selling animal parts or species at risk, illegal overfishing and fishing or hunting out of season threaten the very natural resources that are important source of livelihood for many British Columbians and are a vital part of our province’s world-renowned eco-system.

Additional crimes include unlawful night or shooting from roadways, dumping waste on Crown land, illegally removing sand or wood from public lands, having fires in restricted fire zones or without a permit and illegal activities in parks and protected areas.  

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