Home and Property
Home Security Awareness
Burglary is an unlawful or forcible entry or attempted entry of a residence for the purpose of committing a criminal offence, usually theft. Victims of burglary not only lose items of value, some of which are personal or irreplaceable, but the emotional shock of having your property invaded can be deeply upsetting.
Criminals look for a number of signs to detect an empty home. How can you protect your property from intruders?
When are you most likely to be a victim of burglary?
- Whenever you’re away from home.
- When you’re home but busy or asleep.
- After Christmas when criminals know you have new and expensive presents in the house.
- When you go away on vacation
There’s no place like home, and it's important to make your home as protected as possible to ensure that it is a safe place for you, your property, and your loved ones. Follow our advice on keeping your home and property secure from most criminal threats:
While some security measures can be expensive, there are other things you can do that cost much less:
- Leave lights or a radio on when you go out.
- Check that all doors and windows are properly closed and locked.
- When you leave the property, no matter how long, make sure that these entry points are all locked. Also, make sure you lock up before going to bed at night.
- There’s no point leaving your keys in an accessible place – don’t leave them on doors/windows or hanging within easy reach of the front door.
- Don’t leave side gates open and make sure they’re secure.
- Don’t leave accessible windows open at night.
- Keep ladders out of sight.
- Break up packaging for electrical goods (TVs, laptops etc) and put it all in your recycling box. Leaving it outside will alert a burglar to your new purchase.
- Install sensor lights, spy hole, door chains and alarms for further security measures.
- Change your routine often. Burglars often watch activities in a neighbourhood

Did you know...? Burglary rates increase by 11% on average during January
Think about further security measures - a fence, house alarm or security lights can be a good investment and are much more likely to deter burglars. They can also decrease your insurance payments. To ensure you feel secure when answering your door, fit a “spy hole” so you can see who is calling. You should also install a door chain. Don’t let anyone into the property that you feel unsure about, and always ask to see identification – if they don’t have any, do not let them in.
Going on Vacation?
- When leaving for a holiday, notify neighbours and ask them to make visits to your property or park in your driveway
- Make your home look occupied, whether it is by turning on a radio or automatic lighting.
- Make sure that you lock all outside doors and windows and set your burglar alarm if you have one.
- Keep vacation announcements off social media to avoid people publicly knowing you are away for a long period of time
Valuables in your home
- Mark valuable items for identification.
- Don't keep large amounts of money in your home.
- Keep valuables in a safety deposit box at your bank. If this isn't possible, keep them locked up in a reasonable hiding place in your home.
What is distraction burglary?
Distraction burglary is where the offenders trick or dupe the occupant or distract them, allowing the other person they are working with to gain access to the property and commit burglary. The elderly are particularly vulnerable to distraction burglary.